A poet in interstitial languages, Mï’s work centers gathering, memory, and indiscriminate healing.

    Projects have involved installations of musical New Orleans architecture in the backyard of MBAD African Bead Museum, “unnatural poetics” with the elements— voicing sprawling fields of maguey in the desert of MX; and bringing audiences to a wayward planet who finds itself lost and found in abandoned railway tunnels in Berlin and the salt mines of Krakow. A recipient of Truman Capote Literary Trust at the Iowa Writers´ Workshop, their work has been praised as demonstrating “the new, radical, and exemplary.”

    Mï is co-building an art residence that aims to support innovative solutions to systemic problems within the realm of “creative placemaking”. Living in Detroit/Waawiiyaataanong and San Miguel de Allende, MX, Mï is finding their selves at home in the world.

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